Norwegian Fund – Project Co-Financing

Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
PL04 Program ‘Energy saving and promotion of renewable energy sources’.
By the Norwegian Fund Norway contributes to decreasing social and economic disproportions as well as to enhancing bilateral relations with beneficiary states in Europe. Norway closely cooperates with the EU on the basis of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Within 2009 and 2014 support granted by Norway has amounted to EUR 1.7 milliards. These funds are available for non-governmental organisations, research and academic institutions as well as for the private and public sectors in 12 newly admitted member states of the EU and also for Greece, Portugal and Spain. Thanks to them a wide cooperation with entities from Norway has developed. Undertakings can be implemented till 2016.

Project information
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Spółka z o.o.
72-600 Świnoujście, ul. Daszyńskiego 2
Project Title
Reduction of pollution emission through modernisation of dedusting and WR 5-022 boiler at PEC Sp. z o.o.

Program Operator
Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej (National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management)
02-673 Warszawa ul. Konstruktorska 3A
Co-Financing Institution
Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014

Project Value
PLN 2 315 421

Subsidy From The Norwegian Financial Mechanism
PLN 555 956 (30 %).

Project Execution Term
Date of commencement – July 2012 r.
Date of completion – April 2013 r.
Entity Executing The Project
Zakład Usługowo – Produkcyjny Ekran Spółka z o.o.
28-340 Sędziszów ul. Przemysłowa 26
Project Aim
– modernisation of one water–tube boiler of the WLm5/WR5-M type together with exhaust dedusting installation installed at the municipal heating plant,
– adjustment of the fuel burning installation of K-1 boiler to the emission standards resulting from the national and European Union provisions binding after 31.12.2016.
The Scope Of Modernisation Of The Dedusting Installation And Boiler Equipment
– disassembly of the boiler installation together with accompanying devices in the scope necessary for modernisation,
– delivery and construction of a new K-1 boiler dedusting installation together with an exhaust canal connected to the existing canal joining K-4 and K-5 boilers with the funnel (H=80.5 m),
– delivery and assembly of other installations and equipment accompanying K-1 boiler including, among others: pressure part of the boiler, blast and secondary air installation, new fume exhaust ventilator, complete grate with drive, water circulation system – own boiler framing, brickwork with external boiler shell and complete thermal insulation of the boiler and pipelines, complex boiler control and measuring box, economiser and connection of the automation installation to the primary steering of the heating plant.
Results Of The Modernisation Of The Dedusting Installation And Boiler Equipment
Due to the project execution emission of dust and gas pollutions including carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere will decrease four times. Also, a higher efficiency of using the primary energy contained in carbon per one unit of generated heat will be reached.
The project will also be beneficiary for the citizens of Świnoujście and its surroundings, because the emission of pollution into the atmosphere will be reduced, which will improve the state of atmospheric air.

Measurable targets:
– increase of the dedusting system efficiency,
– reduction of pollution from K-1 boiler by 231,76 [mg/year] including reduction of: SO2 by 0,97 [Mg/year], NOx by 0,40 [Mg/year], CO2 by 210,00 [Mg/year], CO by 1,00 [Mg/year], dust by 13,18 [Mg/year], soot by 0,00648 [Mg/year], Benzopyrene by 0,00016 [Mg/year], boiler slag by 6,20 [Mg/year],
– reduction of the charges incurred for economic usage of the environment concerning K-1.

Signing of the agreement for co-financingenter
Photo galleryenter